Here are comments directly from Linked Inside Out members…
“Thank you again for the good training @ Linked Inside Out. The uptrend continues. Wish I could turn my LinkedIn views into a publicly traded security — to a trader, this chart would scream ‘buy!'”
“This program is definitely worthwhile. I’m gaining so many different insights and knowledge about LinkedIn and strategies I should be using… this has been a great course.”
“I found it incredibly helpful and useful…. It has given me a completely different view of LinkedIn… Linked Inside Out, I would recommend it to anybody without reservation.”
“People are picking me up more often in searches… It helped me network… a lot better than in the past.”
“There’s a whole lot of depth to this… getting into detail and the why’sand the understanding … plus, [David] is in a position of knowledge and expertise to leverage that to others…”
“My profile was weak, despite [LinkedIn] calling me an “all star”… before it was just there as a name…. The first 2 weeks alone were invaluable for me…. I think this is great!”
“No matter where you are in your job search… even if you are currently employed, there is so much that LinkedIn has that you are not aware of… and getting to see a LinkedIn profile through the eyes of a recruiter… learning that perspective…. All around a really valuable tool.”
“I think it’s been great… really helpful…. The idea of optimizing for searches, it makes you think about things differently.”
— Josh H., Los Angeles, CA
“I found the Linked Inside Out program to be a tremendous help in improving my LinkedIn profile, as well as providing useful strategies to network on LinkedIn much more productively with the right people. Within just 2-3 weeks of making key changes to my profile, I have experienced a dramatic increase in the views of my profile in general, as well as compared to members in my network and at my company.”
— Robert W., UAE